
Here's what WE did with 2019


Here's what WE did with 2019

Farewell 2019, hello 2020!

New Years’ revellers, it’s time to don your party shoes and cue up the “Auld Lang Syne” to bid adieu to another year passed.

As the countdown to midnight approaches, so does the moment to make an impact big enough to take you into the next 365 days—and WE can help!

Give 2019 a proper send off and let one of your final acts this year be an act of giving. At WE, providing people with the resources to make local and global impacts is our yearlong gig. From bringing lessons in service-learning and well-being into classrooms across North America and the U.K. to empowering international partner communities with the tools and skills to develop sustainable initiatives for clean water solutions on to food security, creating life-changing impact is our passion.

Sound like something you might be into? Donate to WE today and be a part of big change. For inspiration, watch this collection of our most inspiring impacts from 2019.

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