
The classroom they deserve


The classroom they deserve


Wake up, teach, repeat

You never forget your favourite teacher; the one who pushed you to try a little harder. No matter how old you get, the teacher who helped shaped the person you are is unforgettable. For kindergarten students in Kanambu, Ecuador, teacher Carla is such an educator. The exterior of her classroom, though, did not always reflect the sheen of her impact. Imagine a classroom where her young students would trip and fall over uneven floors, sometimes even getting sick from the drafts coming through the wooden walls. In this same scenario, picture Carla performing a balancing act every time a student goes to the washroom: half of her attention on the classroom, the other half on the little one making their walk across the yard to and from the washroom. To help Carla focus on what she does best—teach—WE paired up with her school to give this educator and her students the classroom they deserve.

Sara Cornthwaite
Sara Cornthwaite
Sara Cornthwaite

Sara Cornthwaite is a video producer and editor with a love for storytelling. Over the last six years, she has worked in WE Village communities all over the world documenting stories of positive impact.

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