Our programs in Asia, Africa and Latin America: WE Villages

For over 20 years, WE Charity has engaged in sustainable development work that empowers communities as active partners in positive change. Aligned with the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals, WE Charity employs our unique five-pillar sustainable development model that addresses the underlying challenges that lead to extreme poverty: education, health care, clean water and sanitation, environmentally sustainable food security, and economic opportunity. This isn’t a patchwork, project-based approach that tackles specific problems in isolation, but a holistic model that works in partnership with communities to build on all five pillars simultaneously. With each partner community our goal is to exit in four to seven years, with community members empowered to continue building sustainably on the foundation we helped them lay, lifting themselves out of poverty.

We are continually measuring and evaluating our work in each community, learning from our successes and setbacks in order to continually grow and increase our impact. Follow the links below to read reports on our work in each country and evaluations of our WE Villages Model.


Mission Measurement - WE Villages
Mission Measurement - WE Villages

ME to WE Trips

Every year, hundreds of students, educators, families and corporate groups travel to WE communities around the world for an educational experience. ME to WE travelers experience an immersive cultural experience rooted in community friendship and trust, actively contributing to and supporting the work of WE Charity in developing communities. It’s a safe, immersive and socially responsible way to travel.

In developing ME to WE Trips, we consulted experts like renowned environmentalist Jane Goodall and former Assembly of First Nations Grand Chief Shawn Atleo to ensure our programs were conducted to the highest standards of environmental sustainability and cultural respect. We also seek ongoing feedback from trip participants, travel industry experts and government officials in the countries where we work.

Follow the links below to learn more about ME to WE Trips, and read reports and testimonials from individuals like Brett Tollman, founder of TreadRight Foundation, and Samuel Tunai, Governor of Narok County, Kenya.


Letter from Brett Tollman
Letter from Brett Tollman
Letter from Dan Koenig
Letter from Dan Koenig
Letter from His Excellency, the Governor of Narok
Letter from His Excellency, the Governor of Narok
Letter from Community Leader in Kenya
Letter from Community Leader in Kenya
Medical trips to Kenya – Dr. Park
Medical trips to Kenya – Dr. Park
Medical trips to Kenya – Dr. Henes
Medical trips to Kenya – Dr. Henes
Medical trips to Kenya – Dr. Kulkarni
Medical trips to Kenya – Dr. Kulkarni
Youth travel in Ecuador
Youth travel in Ecuador
Letter from Professor Lucille Mandin, U of A
Letter from Professor Lucille Mandin, U of A
Letter from Sr. Bolivar Aguinda
Letter from Sr. Bolivar Aguinda
Mission Measurement Report
Mission Measurement Report
Statement from the Director of East Africa
Statement from the Director of East Africa
Communities Know Best
Communities Know Best